Free condoms for students in Germany
Free condoms for everyone? In many countries, this has been the norm for a long time. France also recently decided that everyone under the age of 26 can obtain condoms free of charge from pharmacies. One of the reasons for this political decision is the rapidly increasing number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases.
We at MISTER SIZE are appalled by these statistics and, together with Spondoms, would like to draw attention to the importance of using condoms for contraception.
"In recent years, the infection figures of many sexually transmitted diseases have risen sharply in Germany. This worries us a lot and we want to do something about it," says Luis Gunga, one of the founders of Spondoms.
That's why we are now working together to make it easy for young people in Germany to learn about condoms and safe contraception. Students at some universities and colleges therefore receive free MISTER SIZE condoms since last week (week 3 / 2023). The campaign started at the campus of the Rhine-Main University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, with the opening of the first condom dispenser, which every student can help themselves to. Further dispensers with MISTER SIZE condoms were set up this week at Leuphana University in Lüneburg and TH Köln in Cologne Deutz.
However, since the condom only protects properly if it does not tear or slip off, all 7 MISTER SIZE sizes are represented in the said condom dispenser. In addition, there is a Mister Size measuring tape, with which you can quickly and easily measure which condom size fits the best piece. On the one hand, this increases the safety of contraception, and on the other hand, condoms are more likely to be worn if they fit comfortably.
Overall, the project was perceived very positively by the students. "We expect the project to be very well received and especially to be put to good use at the many events we have at AStA," Max from AStA at the University of Lüneburg said of the project. The students are also particularly pleased that the MISTER SIZE condoms are available in different sizes, which means that there will be fewer mishaps in the future.
We are happy about the great feedback from the students about our MISTER SIZE condoms and thank Spondoms for the exciting cooperation.
For all those who don't get suitable condoms at their university and still want to use safe contraception with the right condom, there are our inexpensive Mister Size trial packs to get you started.